Southwest Region
Southwest Region

DISH Network Packages In Texas

Watch all your favorite TV shows, plus you get SHOWTIME® & DISH MoviePack™ for 3 months at no extra cost.

After 3 mos. you will be billed $30/mo unless you call to cancel.

DISH Network Packages in Texas

Enjoy a vast selection of high-definition channels with a satellite TV package from DISH in your area. With free standard professional installation in up to six rooms and an included Smart HD DVR, DISH is the perfect choice to enhance your home entertainment.

America's Top 120
  • Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included

  • Watch ESPN, Newsmax, CMT, Disney Channel, and E!

  • 28K On-Demand titles

  • Local Channels

  • 190 Channels

America's Top 200
  • Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included

  • America's Top 120 and more including NFL Network, NBA TV, Hallmark, Disney Channel, and A&E

  • 25K On-Demand titles

  • Local Channels

  • 240+ channels

America's Top 250
  • Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included

  • America's Top 200 and more including Turner Classic Movies, STARZ Encore channels, Bloomberg, Nicktoons, and Great American Country

  • 26K On-Demand titles

  • Local Channels

  • 290+ channels

2-year price guarantee requires credit qualification and 2-year commitment and covers core programming, local networks, and equipment. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification.

‡Requires internet-connected Hopper, Joey, or Wally device. Customer must press Voice Remote button to activate feature.

Family laughing at show together

DISH TV: Where Texas Sports Live

It’s time to root for your favorite teams in front of your favorite big screen with DISH TV in Texas.

From global events like the World Cup to local college football games from the Longhorns, the Aggies, the Baylor Bears, and more, DISH Network in Texas has all the hard-hitting athletic action you’ve been looking for. The Multi-Sport Pack features 35 major networks that cover college and professional football, baseball, basketball, hockey, and soccer so that you can see every Dallas Cowboys and Houston Texans touchdown, every Dallas Stars goal, every Astros or Rangers home run, and every slam dunk from the Rockets, Spurs, and Mavericks live from your living room.

Family watching tv

Local Channels With DISH TV

Keep it in the neighborhood and get access to local channels with DISH TV.

In Texas, DISH Network provides an impressive selection of popular local channels and regional sports networks, ensuring that viewers have access to a wide variety of programming. Customers can watch major networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX, which deliver hit shows, local news, and community events.

Additionally, DISH Network features regional sports networks like FanDuel Sports Southwest and AT&T SportsNet Southwest, offering extensive coverage of local teams, including the Dallas Mavericks, Houston Rockets, and Texas Rangers. This robust channel lineup allows Texas residents to stay engaged with their local communities and passionately follow their favorite sports teams throughout the Lone Star State.

Why Get DISH Network Near Me?

2-year TV price guarantee

The only provider that guarantees your monthly TV price for three years

Local channels for no extra cost

Stay in the know with local news and sports

Signal Reliability Guarantee

A reliable signal or your money back.1


DISH Network and Internet Packages in Your Area

Looking for TV and internet you can rely on?

Get satellite TV in Texas and add internet packages from Hughesnet and Frontier, our partners in delivering top-notch home services. Hughesnet provides satellite internet to serve Texas's rural areas, while Frontier offers high-speed DSL/fiber internet in select regions.

Call today to order DISH TV and add internet for access to Texas local channels and regional sports networks covering teams like the Cowboys, Texans, Spurs, Mavericks, Rangers, Astros, Stars, and FC Dallas, along with fast internet to keep you connected to everything happening across the Lone Star State.


Take DISH On The Open Road

DISH offers portable satellites for tailgaters and campers who don’t want to leave their favorite programs behind. Portable satellites let you enjoy the great outdoors while never missing a field goal or plot twist.

DISH Network Customer Service and Support in Texas

Whether you’re an existing customer seeking service or support or a new customer ready to get signed up, you’ve come to the right place. Our team can help you with anything from paying your bill to scheduling your new service installation. Or, get connected to DISH’s service team for technical support.

Get New Dish Network Service

Ready to experience satellite TV or add high-speed internet? Call to schedule your installation today.

Pay Your Dish Network Bill

See how to pay your bill online or on the MyDISH App, by text, phone, or mail. Or speak to a representative for help.

Contact DISH Network Customer Service

Having trouble with your DISH TV service? Contact our customer support team today for all your service needs.


Experience the Unique Culture of Texas with DISH Network

Texas is a state rich in diverse cultures, vibrant traditions, and a passion for sports. With DISH TV, you can immerse yourself in Texas-centric shows and movies like Friday Night Lights, Dallas, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, all from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive sports coverage that lets you support Texas teams like the Texans, Mavericks, and Rangers, ensuring you never miss a moment of the action. With DISH, you’ll experience the heart of Texas culture, from captivating stories to thrilling games, all at your fingertips.

Looking for DISH in Texas?

AbbottAbernathyAbileneAddisonAdkinsAlbaAlbanyAldineAledoAliceAllenAlleytonAllisonAlpineAlvaradoAlvinAlvordAmarilloAndersonAndrewsAngletonAnnaAnsonAntonAquillaAransas PassArgyleArlingtonArpArthur CityAtascocitaAthensAubreyAustinAveryAvingerAvocaAxtellAzleBagwellBairdBalch SpringsBallingerBanderaBarryBarstowBastropBay CityBaytownBeaumontBedfordBediasBeevilleBellaireBellevueBellsBellvilleBeltonBen WheelerBenavidesBenbrookBerclairBergheimBertramBig SandyBig SpringBishopBivinsBlancoBlanketBleiblervilleBloomburgBloomingtonBlossomBlue RidgeBluff DaleBoerneBogataBolingBon WierBonhamBorgerBowieBrazoriaBradyBrashearBrenhamBridge CityBridgeportBriggsBroaddusBronsonBrookelandBrookshireBrownfieldBrownsboroBrownsvilleBrownwoodBrucevilleBryanBuchanan DamBuckholtsBudaBuffalo GapBuffaloBullardBulverdeBurkburnettBurkettBurkevilleBurlesonBurlingtonBurnetBurtonByersBynumCactusCaddo MillsCaddoCarrizo SpringsCaldwellCampbellCanadianCantonCanutilloCanyon LakeCanyonCarbonCarmineCarrolltonCarthageCastrovilleCat SpringCedar CreekCedar HillCedar LaneCedar ParkCelesteCelinaCenter PointCenterChandlerChappell HillChicoChildressChillicotheChina SpringChinaCiboloCiscoClarendonCleburneClevelandCliftonCloverleafCluteClydeColdspringColemanCollege StationColleyvilleCollinsvilleColorado CityColumbusComancheComfortConroeConverseCookvilleCooperCoppellCopperas CoveCorinthCorpus ChristiCorsicanaCostCouplandCovingtonCrandallCrawfordCressonCrockettCrosbyCrosbytonCrowleyCueroCumbyCushingCypressD HanisDaingerfieldDaisettaDalhartDallasDanevangDaytonDe BerryDe KalbDe LeonDecaturDeer ParkDel RioDel ValleDenisonDentonDenver CityDesotoDetroitDeversDevineDianaDickinsonDikeDime BoxDimmittDodd CityDodsonDonnaDossDouglassDriftwoodDripping SpringsDublinDumasDuncanvilleEagle PassEarlyEast BernardEastlandEastonEdcouchEddyEdgewoodEdinburgEl CampoEl PasoElectraElginEmoryEnnisEulessEustaceEvantFairfieldFalls CityFarmers BranchFarmersvilleFayettevilleFerrisFischerFlintFlorenceFloresvilleFlower MoundFluvannaFollettForestburgForneyFort HancockFort HoodFort StocktonFort WorthFredFredericksburgFreeportFreerFresnoFriendswoodFrionaFriscoFritchFruitvaleFulshearGainesvilleGalvestonGarlandGarrisonGaryGatesvilleGeorgetownGilchristGilmerGirardGladewaterGlen RoseGodleyGoldenGordonGordonvilleGouldbuskGrafordGrahamGranburyGrand PrairieGrand SalineGrandfallsGrandviewGrapevineGreenvilleGrovesGruverGunterGustineGuyHallettsvilleHallsvilleHaltom CityHamiltonHarker HeightsHarletonHarlingenHarperHarroldHartleyHarwoodHasletHawkinsHawleyHelotesHemphillHempsteadHendersonHenriettaHerefordHewittHicoHigh IslandHighlandsHitchcockHockleyHollandHollidayHondoHoney GroveHorseshoe BayHoustonHubbardHuffmanHughes SpringsHullHumbleHuntHuntingtonHuntsvilleHurstHuttoIdalouImperialInezInglesideIolaIowa ParkIraanIrvingItalyIvanhoeJacksboroJarrellJasperJeffersonJonesboroJoshuaJunctionJusticeburgJustinKarnackKatyKaufmanKeeneKellerKemahKempKempnerKenedyKennedaleKerensKermitKerrvilleKilgoreKilleenKingsburyKingslandKingsvilleKingwoodKlondikeKnottKosseKountzeKrumKyleLa CosteLa FeriaLa GrangeLa JoyaLa MarqueLa PorteLa PryorLa VerniaLake CreekLake DallasLake JacksonLakewayLamesaLampasasLancasterLanevilleLaredoLarueLavonLeague CityLeanderLedbetterLeforsLeonardLevellandLewisvilleLexingtonLiberty HillLincolnLindaleLindenLinnLipanLittle ElmLittle River AcademyLittlefieldLiverpoolLivingstonLlanoLockhartLohnLone OakLone StarLong BranchLongviewLorenzoLorenaLottLubbockLufkinLumbertonLyfordMarquezMabankMagnoliaManchacaManorMansfieldManvelMarble FallsMarionMarlinMarshallMartMartindaleMasonMastersonMaudMayMaypearlMc CameyMc DadeMc GregorMc QueeneyMcallenMckinneyMelissaMenardMercedesMerkelMertzonMesquiteMexiaMeyersvilleMiamiMicoMidlandMidlothianMilamMilanoMilfordMillersviewMillsapMineolaMissionMissouri CityMobeetieMonahansMont BelvieuMontagueMontgomeryMoodyMorganMount CalmMount EnterpriseMount PleasantMountain HomeMuensterMuldoonMuleshoeMullinMurchisonNacogdochesNaplesNashNavasotaNederlandNeedvilleNemoNevadaNew BostonNew BraunfelsNew CaneyNew DealNew SummerfieldNew UlmNixonNoconaNolanvilleNordheimNorth Richland HillsNortonOzonaOdemOdessaOglesbyOld GloryOmahaOnalaskaOrangeOvaloOvertonPaigePalestinePampaPanhandleParadiseParisPasadenaPearlandPecan GrovePecosPerrytonPflugervillePharrPicktonPilot PointPinehurstPipe CreekPlainviewPlanoPlantersvillePleasantonPointPointblankPonderPoolvillePort AransasPort ArthurPort BolivarPort LavacaPort NechesPort O ConnorPorterPortlandPostPoteetPothPottsboroPowderlyPrincetonProgresoProsperPurdonPurmelaQueen CityQuinlanQuitmanRallsRangerRansom CanyonRavennaRaywoodReaganRealitosRed OakRed RockRhomeRichardsRichardsonRichland HillsRichmondRieselRio Grande CityRio MedinaRio VistaRising StarRoanokeRobstownRochelleRockdaleRockportRockspringsRockwallRogersRomaRomayorRopesvilleRosankyRosenbergRosharonRotanRound MountainRound RockRound TopRowenaRowlettRoyse CityRuskSachseSadlerSaint HedwigSaint JoSaladoSaltilloSan AngeloSan AntonioSan DiegoSan ElizarioSan MarcosSan SabaSandiaSangerSanta AnnaSanta FeSchertzSchulenburgScrogginsScurrySeabrookSeadriftSeagovilleSeagravesSealySeguinSeminoleSeymourShallowaterShamrockShelbyvilleShermanShinerSidneySilsbeeSimmsSlatonSmithvilleSonoraSour LakeSouth HoustonSouth Padre IslandSouthlakeSpearmanSpicewoodSpring BranchSpringSpringtownSpurStephenvilleStockdaleStowellStreetmanSudanSugar LandSulphur BluffSumnerSundownSunnyvaleSunraySunsetSweetwaterTalpaTaylorTelephoneTempleTenahaTerrellTexarkanaTexas CityThe ColonyThe WoodlandsThompsonsThorndaleThorntonThrallTiogaTolarTomballTowTrentonTrinidadTrinityTroupTroyTuscolaTylerUniversal CityUvaldeValley MillsValley ViewVan AlstyneVan VleckVenusVernonVictoriaVossVotawWacoWaelderWallerWallisvilleWarrenWashingtonWaskomWataugaWaxahachieWeatherfordWeimarWeirWellingtonWeslacoWest ColumbiaWest OdessaWest PointWest University PlaceWestWhartonWheelerWhite OakWhitehouseWhitesboroWhitewrightWhitneyWhitsettWichita FallsWillisWillow CityWills PointWilsonWimberleyWingateWinnsboroWinonaWolfe CityWolfforthWoodwayWylieYantisYoakumYorktownZephyr

Frequently Asked Questions

Is DISH TV available in Texas?

Yes, DISH TV is available in your state. Depending on where you live, availability may vary. Contact us to see if your home location has DISH TV availability.

How much are DISH satellite TV packages in Texas?

DISH satellite TV packages start at $84.99 a month and may cost as much as $114.99 a month.* Call to see which package works best for your lifestyle.

How can I reach a DISH TV representative in Texas?

Call 833-871-4465 to reach a DISH TV representative in your state.

Am I able to bundle internet with DISH TV in Texas?

Yes, you can bundle internet with DISH TV in your state as long as the internet providers DISH works with are available in your area. DISH works with HughesNet Satellite Internet and Frontier to provide access to high-speed internet. today.

What deals does DISH Network offer in Texas?

DISH Network offers a 2-year TV price guarantee, a reliable signal guarantee, and the DISH ANYWHERE App, which allows you to stream your favorite shows and recordings from a mobile device. Watching live and recorded TV anywhere requires an internet-connected Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 and compatible mobile device.
