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Family watching tv

DISH Network in Chaplin, Connecticut

Find DISH Satellite TV near your area today!

  • Local channels

  • Sports packages

  • Endless HD entertainment


Find the best DISH packages in Chaplin, Connecticut featuring the channels you want. And with a 2-year price guarantee, you’ll never pay more than expected for 24 months.

America's Top 120
  • Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote Included

  • Watch ESPN, Newsmax, CMT, Disney Channel, and E!

  • 28K On-Demand titles

  • Local Channels

  • 190 Channels

America's Top 200
  • Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote Included

  • America's Top 120 and more including NFL Network, NBA TV, Hallmark, Disney Channel, and A&E

  • 25K On-Demand titles

  • Local Channels

  • 240+ channels

America's Top 250
  • Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote Included

  • America's Top 200 and more including Turner Classic Movies, STARZ Encore channels, Bloomberg, Nicktoons, and Great American Country

  • 26K On-Demand titles

  • Local Channels

  • 290+ channels

2-year price guarantee requires credit qualification and 2-year commitment and covers core programming, local networks, and equipment. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification.

Requires internet-connected Hopper, Joey, or Wally device. Customer must press Voice Remote button to activate feature.


DISH is ready to dive in and help you get settled into your new home with the right TV package.

tv remote

Existing DISH customer?

We’ll help you move your existing services to your new place in no time.

hands raised

Ready to become a DISH customer?

Welcome to the family—now let’s see what’s available in your area first!

people laughing at show together


All DISH packages in Chaplin come with local channels so you can keep up with your local sports team or your favorite news channel. You’ll also have access to three months FREE of premium channels like Showtime and the DISH Movie Pack.*

*After 3 mos. you will be billed $30/mo unless you call to cancel.

Why Get DISH Network Near Me?

2-year TV price guarantee

The only provider that guarantees your monthly TV price for two years

Free installation

Kick back and let the pros handle your DISH Network installation.

Signal Reliability Guarantee

A reliable signal or your money back.

dvr and tv


Catch every home run, slam dunk, and touchdown with a DISH sports package. From college sports to professional leagues, DISH sports packages get you in the game without ever leaving your couch.


DISH does TV, but we also work with internet providers to bring the complete entertainment experience into your home in Chaplin. Maximize your deals and save big when you bundle your TV with internet partners like Hughesnet and Frontier.

Looking for DISH in Connecticut?

AmstonAndoverAnsoniaAshfordAvonBalticBantamBarkhamstedBeacon FallsBerlinBethanyBethelBethlehemBloomfieldBoltonBozrahBranfordBridgeportBridgewaterBristolBroad BrookBrookfieldBrooklynBurlingtonCanaanCanterburyCantonCenterbrookChaplinCheshireChesterClintonCobaltColchesterColebrookCollinsvilleColumbiaCornwall BridgeCornwallCos CobCoventryCromwellDanburyDanielsonDarienDayvilleDeep RiverDerbyDurhamEast BerlinEast CanaanEast GranbyEast HaddamEast HamptonEast HartfordEast HartlandEast HavenEast LymeEast WindsorEastfordEastonEllingtonEnfieldEssexFabyanFairfieldFalls VillageFarmingtonGales FerryGaylordsvilleGeorgetownGilmanGlastonburyGoshenGranbyGreenwichGrotonGuilfordHaddamHamdenHamptonHanoverHartfordHarwintonHebronHigganumIvorytonJewett CityKentKillingworthLakesideLakevilleLebanonLedyardLitchfieldMadisonManchesterMansfield CenterMarionMarlboroughMashantucketMeridenMiddle HaddamMiddleburyMiddlefieldMiddletownMilfordMilldaleMonroeMontvilleMoodusMoosupMorrisMysticNaugatuckNew BritainNew CanaanNew FairfieldNew HartfordNew HavenNew LondonNew MilfordNew Preston Marble DaleNewingtonNewtownNianticNorfolkNorth BranfordNorth FranklinNorth GranbyNorth GrosvenordaleNorth HavenNorth StoningtonNorth WindhamNorthfieldNorthfordNorwalkNorwichOakdaleOakvilleOld GreenwichOld LymeOld MysticOld SaybrookOrangeOxfordPawcatuckPine MeadowPlainfieldPlainvillePlantsvillePlymouthPomfret CenterPomfretPortlandPrestonProspectPutnamQuaker HillQuinebaugReddingRidgefieldRiversideRivertonRockfallRocky HillRoxburySalemSalisburySandy HookScotlandSeymourSharonSheltonShermanSimsburySomersSouth GlastonburySouth KentSouth WindhamSouth WindsorSouthburySouthingtonSouthportStafford SpringsStaffordStamfordSterlingStoningtonStorrs MansfieldStorrsStratfordSuffieldTaconicTaftvilleTariffvilleTerryvilleThomastonThompsonTollandTorringtonTrumbullUncasvilleUnionvilleVernon RockvilleVernonVoluntownWallingfordWashington DepotWashingtonWaterburyWaterfordWatertownWeatogueWest CornwallWest GranbyWest HartfordWest HartlandWest HavenWest SimsburyWest SuffieldWestbrookWestonWestportWethersfieldWillimanticWillingtonWiltonWinchester CenterWindhamWindsor LocksWindsorWinstedWolcottWoodbridgeWoodburyWoodstock ValleyWoodstockYantic

DISH Network Customer Service Numbers & Hours

Call DISH now to place an order or get DISH Network TV support.

customer service agent icon

New Orders

6am–8pm MT, M–F

Español 7am–7pm MT, M–F

red van icon

Customer Care

Technical support: available 24/7

Account help: 6am–10pm MT daily

Frequently Asked Questions

Is DISH TV available near Chaplin, Connecticut?

DISH TV is available in Chaplin, Connecticut. From sports packages to local programming, DISH TV offers multiple entertainment options. Find out if DISH TV is offered at your address today.

How much does satelllite tv service cost in Chaplin, Connecticut?

Satellite TV service from DISH starts at $91.99/mo. in Chaplin,Connecticut. Prices vary depending on add-ons like the sports package or the DISH Movie Pack. Call for more details.

How can I contact DISH satellite TV in Chaplin, Connecticut?

You can contact DISH satellite TV by calling 833-871-4427.

Can I bundle internet with DISH TV in Chaplin, Connecticut?

You can bundle internet with DISH TV in Chaplin, Connecticut. Call to find out which internet providers are in your area and which TV package works best for you.

What deals are available for DISH in Chaplin, Connecticut?

A 2-year price guarantee, free standard professional installation, and a free DISH Anywhere mobile app are just a few of the deals available with DISH in Chaplin, Connecticut. Call to learn more about all the deals DISH has to offer.

Can I get internet with DISH in Chaplin, Connecticut?

You can get internet with one of DISH’s internet partners in Chaplin, Connecticut. Find out if DISH has internet partners serving your address by giving us a call.
