Comparing Cable vs. Satellite TV

Use our calculator to see how much you could save over your current bill when you switch to DISH

See how DISH beats Cable

Instantly skip commercials during your favorite shows Yes No
Transparent TV pricing with no hidden fees Yes No
Record up to 16 shows at once, with up to 2,000 hours of DVR space Yes No
Free Professional Installation as early as next day Yes No
Signal Reliability Money-Back Guarantee Yes No
Free Voice Remote with Universal Search and remote finder Yes No
Stream live through TV app on 5 devices for 1 subscription Yes No
Nationwide Satellite Coverage
Yes No
Bluetooth Audio Yes No

Comparison based on in-home hardware provided by national cable and satellite providers as of 4/21/23. Capabilities measured relate to in-home hardware and do NOt reflect cloud DVR functionality or capacity. All data found on 4/21/23. Upfront fees, taxes and state-specific surcharges may apply. 

Discover DISH Savings

Check availability. Compare your bill. Switch to DISH.


All-Time Favorites & Locals

  • All-Time Favorites & Locals
  • Favorites, Locals, Sports & Entertainment
  • Favorites, Locals, Sports, Entertainment & Movies


1 Television

  • 1 Television
  • 2 Televisions
  • 3 Televisions
  • 4 Televisions
  • 5 Televisions
  • 6 Televisions



Current monthly bill is a required field


$ /mo.

You will save $/mo. with DISH, with savings of $ every year.

See below for the great benefits you'll
get with DISH for only $/mo. more!


with channels

View Details

and a price that won't change for Two Years - Guaranteed


1 Primary DVR Receiver

+ Voice Remote
+ 24/7 Signal Monitoring
+ Free Standard Professional Installation

Select GET MY OFFER to schedule your FREE installation, an instant savings!

Hopper Duo DVR Features - $5/mo.

Hopper Duo™ is a feature-rich satellite receiver with a modern look and the ability to support a second HD TV with a Joey® client in the home. Hopper Duo™ includes our newest Voice Remote, Wi-Fi, Netflix, and a variety of apps and other exciting features.

Hopper 2 DVR Features - $10/mo.

Store 500 hours of HD recordings and turn any TV in your home into a smart TV with our included Voice Remote, Alexa Integration and access to apps like Netflix and Pandora.

Hopper 3 DVR Features - $10/mo.

Hopper 3® gives you conflict-free entertainment for the entire household with the ability to watch and record up to 16 programs at once. With built-in 4K support, you can watch a variety of On Demand movies, shows and Netflix in 4K quality.

Joey Receiver - $7 ea./mo.

The standard Joey Connects other TVs in the home with your Hopper to create a whole-home entertainment experience without having a full DVR in every room.

Need more reasons to switch to DISH?

All the entertainment you want streaming straight to your home


Is Satellite TV as good as Cable TV?


Yes! Satellite TV uses the same signals from the programmers as cable, it just uses a different way of getting the signal into your house. In fact, most cable companies use satellites to get feeds from programmers or to send feeds to centers that broadcast the signals using cable, so all TV is satellite TV to some extent. Get the same advantages being available across the entire country and often offers more channels for the money, making satellite TV a better cable tv provider than regular cable!


Why DISH is better than other TV providers?


DISH is committed to providing the highest value in television service. Whether it's offering the best in customer satisfaction, the most programming options or innovative technology, we're committed to you.

  • Get over 200 HD channels. No other provider offers as many.
  • Enjoy the best DVR technology available. Awarded by CNET and Popular Mechanic.
  • Get free extras from DISH Perks just for being a DISH customer.
  • Watch ALL of your recorded or live TV programming anywhere you go.
  • Get the best support from the customer service with the lowest amount of complaints in the industry.


Movie lovers, commercial haters or technology fanatics, it doesn't matter who you are. DISH has something designed around your needs. With DISH you won't be settling for anything less than an extraordinary TV experience. From our wide array of packages and features to award-winning technology, DISH simply gives you more. Contact us today to find out about what packages and programming we have to offer. Compare satellite TV offerings for yourself.


Ready to order?

DISH professionally trained technicians provide free installation
The Hopper 3: The world's most powerful DVR

Only on DISH

DISH vs CABLE: The DISH Advantage


In addition to a better value, DISH provides a better TV watching experience than cable with the Hopper 3:

  • Watch 100% of your live and recorded TV from anywhere with DISH Anywhere
  • Watch up to 4 channels at once with Multi-View
  • Skip commercials with AutoHop
  • Watch ALL of your recorded or live TV programming anywhere you go.
  • Automatically record primetime shows to watch later with PrimeTime Anytime


Enjoy integrated apps like Netflix, YouTube, Pandora, and many more without having to switch inputs on your TV or change remote

DISH Anywhere

Can I watch Satellite cable TV Online?


DISH has got you! DISH provides you Dish Anywhere, so you don't even need a portable dish to enjoy our great programming. An internet connection is all you need to watch satellite TV on your computer, smartphone, or mobile device. You can even take satellite TV with you and watch without an internet connection. With a Hopper DVR you even get it for free! Traveling without internet? Download your favorite programming to a HopperGO before your trip and watch whenever you want.


DISH gives you the best of cable through satellite TV, plus much, much more. With so many extras for free, the clear choice is DISH!

Laptop, iPad, and iPhone playing TV via DISH Anywhere