Our most powerful DVR lets you skip TV ads with a push of a button. Set your DVR up to record your favorite shows with PrimeTime Anytime then watch at your convenience. At the first commercial break, you'll be given the option to skip commercials throughout the program. Select yes, and DISH will do the heavy lifting for you.
Claims based on Hopper 3 hardware compared to national cable and satellite competitors. Visit dish.com/compare.
It's no secret that some of the best programming that television has to offer is on during primetime. The only problem is that there's a reason that primetime is, well, prime. Take away the time commitment and easily record primetime shows with DISH. Record up to three hours of primetime television on each major network to watch later, for up to eight days after its original air date.
AutoHop eliminates the difficulty of fast-forwarding and rewinding so you can watch commercial free TV without skipping over any of your program. This easy-to-use feature is game-changing and provides a high quality TV experience. Save time and watch your favorite shows faster. Check out more features from the Hopper 3 DVR.